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The Absolute Sound Review of the Stromtank S-2500 Quantum MK-II

The Absolute Sound Review of the Stromtank S-2500 Quantum MK-II

Jacob Heilbrunn, Editor of The Absolute Sound had this to say:  “The Stromtank seeks to address the most fundamental issue in sound reproduction, namely, the quality of the electricity that flows into your precious hi-fi gear.

More often than not, power products have as many pluses as minuses. Not here. There was no blunting of dynamics, no softening of transients, no smudging of harmonics. 

On the contrary, the S-2500 MKII lowered the noise floor, enlarged the sound-stage, increased the sense of black backgrounds, retrieved additional detail, and fortified dynamic swells.

Throughout, it brought me one step closer to the musical truth. Let me put it bluntly: I’m not sure I can live without this marvelous device.”

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