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Metronome CD8 Signature CD Player-DAC

Metronome CD8 Signature CD Player-DAC

R 91 000

Excellent, Light Use
Packaging Original, Complete
Status Discontinued


Manufacturer's description:

The Philips CDM 12 Pro metal chassis has been significantly customised by Metronome Technologie and provides a stable foundation to accurately capture the signal.

The Delrin clamp and proprietary shaft permits a better stability of the CD and consequently to reproduce the best possible sound with a low jitter.

Continuous ground link from the disc surface to the electrical earth permits the dissipation of static electricity for better working conditions of electronic and optical components.

The Power supply with individual power transformers and completely independent regulation lines for each critical part of the transport - display, servo mechanism, motor, digital output stage - provides an inter-stage EMI/RFI radiation protection and insures a dynamic analog-like sound quality.

The double D/A converter significantly improves the dynamics and permits to decrease the rate of distortion for a more natural and beautifully structured sound.

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